The New House. Yes folks, here it is! The house is tiny as you can see, and the car doesn't belong to us, though it is a much needed vice in this city, I call it a vice cause as most of you know, I couldn't give a damn about cars, but in Nairobi (or as most expats like to call it: Nairobbery), it's a whole lot better than getting mugged every third day taking the 'Matatu's', lethal machines that carry upto 20 passengers on death rides through the rises and valleys that make up this intense city..but I digress..
Like I was saying, the house is tiny but for those of you who want to visit (yes, I plan on using this blog as bait), bring tents! Of course we will provide breakfast and entertainment (yes, I'm pimping Marco out for extra cash), but if there is more than 2 of you at a time, tent it shall be.
We have our little cat, I call her Gattina Gattiiiina (twice cause she responds only the second time around) which actually just means 'little cat' in Italian, who was actually a house cat but was forced into being a wildcat (literally!), which is exactly how I have always wanted my cat to be-one who needs that human loooove but who's able to stand whole nights out hunting and being free like a really animal. I wanted a cat so badly, and not just any cat, a special cat, and the intention was so strong, that the universe actually sent me this wonderful little creature all wrapped up in a furry little ball of goodness! So note to all: if you desire something bad enough, and really really put the intention out there, it is only a matter of time before the universe conspires in your direction.
Here are some shots to kick start this super duper newbie of a blog from around the house (and in the house, ref: Giant Spider). I'd just like to point out that whatever fears I had of things waaaaaaay smaller than me like (giant) spiders, slugs, beetles, grasshoppers, worms, frogs, lizards and other unkowns have somehow completely vanished here. I still can't kill anything, but with the help of my handy broom and my precious cat that pounces and eats anything that moves, I'm managing just fine!

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